
Sales is hard. Empower your sales team by giving them an automatic recording experience.

The Siro app accepts deep links to start and stop recordings and then redirects you back to your app. This lets you create an experience for sales reps that starts and ends recordings nearly automatically.

Good ๐Ÿ‘: Sales rep doesnโ€™t need to change their current behavior, but suddenly all of their conversations are recorded for them. The experience feels magical.

Bad ๐Ÿ‘Ž: Make your sales reps tap an extra button to start and stop recordings. This is a tedious experience that feels like more work. Worst of all, reps will sometimes forget to record and lose critical conversation intelligence.

Link Behavior

  • If a recording is already in progress, it will not be interrupted
  • Deeplinks will skip all post recording debrief screens

Recording Action Links

Recording actions




action (required) can be one of the following: start | stop | restart

start starts a new recording, or opens the siro app and continues a recording if one is paused or is already recording.

stop fully stops a recording in progress. This will skip past the paused state, and end the recording entirely. This will skip past any post recording debrief screenโ€™s as well.

restart fully stops a recording, and restarts a brand new recording.

opportunityId Optional

The opportunityId param accepts a string and will automatically link this recording with the associated opportunity in Siro. Opportunities are deals that can stretch over multiple appointments.

Important Note: This Parameter is only valid for start and restart actions. If used with a restart action, the new recording that is started will be linked to that opportunity.

See PUT Sync Opportunities:

Deprecated: the jobId param can also be used. Siro treats this as the opportunityId

redirectUrl (optional) is an optional encoded url that the app will use to redirect after the given action is performed.

Important Notes:

  • All URL parameters in the link need to be URL encoded (e.g. the / character becomes %2f.
  • We recommend backlinking to your app using using Universal Links (iOS) and App LInks (Android). Otherwise, if you are using an app schema to redirect to your app (example: yourApp://), you will need to ask the Siro team to whitelist your app in our next deployment. Please reach out to [email protected]. It may take weeks to get your app whitelisted, so plan accordingly.

title Optional

The title param accepts a string and will set the recording title.

Important Note: This Parameter is only valid for start actions.

๐Ÿšงย Coming Soon

appointmentId Optional

The appointmentId param accepts a string and will automatically link this recording with the associated appointment in Siro.

Important Note: This Parameter is only valid for start and restart actions. If used with a restart action, the new recording that is started will be linked to that opportunity.

 *   -----------------------------------
 *	  -----------------------------------

 *  ๐Ÿ”— Example link to start a recording with no redirect
const startWithoutRedirect = `https://app.siro.ai/record?action=start`;

 *  ๐Ÿ”— Example link to start a recording
 *  and then redirect the user to https://www.google.com
const startWithRedirect = `https://app.siro.ai/record?action=start&redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsiro.ai`;

 *  ๐Ÿ”— Example link to start a recording
 *  and add an opportunityId of abc123
const startWithOpportunityId = `https://app.siro.ai/record?action=start&opportunityId=abc123`;

 *   -----------------------------------
 *	  -----------------------------------

 *  ๐Ÿ”— Example link to start a recording with no redirect
const stopWithoutRedirect = `https://app.siro.ai/record?action=stop`;

 *  ๐Ÿ”— Example link to start a recording
 *  and then redirect the user to https://www.google.com
const stopWithRedirect = `https://app.siro.ai/record?action=stop&redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsiro.ai`;

 *   -----------------------------------
 *	  -----------------------------------

 *  ๐Ÿ”— Example link to start a recording with no redirect
const restartWithoutRedirect = `https://app.siro.ai/record?action=restart`;

 *  ๐Ÿ”— Example link to start a recording
 *  and then redirect the user to https://www.google.com
const restartWithRedirect = `https://app.siro.ai/record?action=restart&redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsiro.ai`;

 *  ๐Ÿ”— Example link to start a recording
 *  and add an opportunityId of abc123
 *  This will ensure that the recording that is started
 *  after the current recording finishes will be linked to the correct
 *  opportynity.
const restartWithOpportunityId = `https://app.siro.ai/record?action=restart&opportunityId=abc123`;